
creative writing in english 2

  • in-person workshop

dates: 10 March to 28 April

schedule: Mondays, 18h – 20h30

sessions: 8 sessions of 2.5 hours

price: 490 €

teacher: Michael Langan


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building stories

Through a series of writing exercises participants will experiment with writing creatively in a variety of forms such as short fiction, beginning a novel, autobiographical fiction, and automatic writing. Reading published examples of the different forms and discussing their characteristics will enable us to gain a greater understanding of technique and we will also look at various publishing outlets, online and elsewhere.

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workshop aims

  • to explore in greater depth those aspects of prose fiction writing introduced in level 1. These include narrative strategy, characterisation, structure, plot, dialogue and description
  • to gain a deeper recognition and understanding of the individual thematic concerns and interests that emerge from the writing generated during the workshop
  • using close reading of published works and connected writing exercises we will discuss strategies for developing a consistent writing practice
  • we will work towards completion of a story draft at the end of the workshop

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who is it for

  • participants who have completed Level 1 of the workshop

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  • writing exercises
  • close reading
  • workshop feedback
  • strategies for developing a consistent writing practice
  • building stories from start to finish

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workshop duration

  • 8 evening sessions of 2.5 hours
  • 20 hours of in-person classes

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  • in-person
  • Mondays, 18h – 20h30
  • 10, 17, 24, 31 March and  7, 14, 21, 28 April



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The workshop requires no prior knowledge of the subject. It is not categorised as certified professional training. A declaration of participation will be issued upon request.

O workshop não exige conhecimentos prévios do tema. Não se enquadra no formato de formação profissional certificada. É emitida uma declaração de participação a quem a solicitar.

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